Halloween Picture with Ruzin and Puja (international students from India) in 2007

② 留学先の決定





























● 車イスで生活し易い環境であること






● 留学期間  (勉強が目的ではないので、なるべく早く卒業資格が取りたい)








● 費用面 (資金に限りがあるため)











明日は、「③ 資金集め」について書きますσ(ゝ∀゚◎)


2. To choose a country/city to study abroad

After I graduated from high school in Kyoto, I moved to Kagoshima where my mother grew up.

The junior college had a transition program for UWRF in US, but I wasn’t interested in going to US at all then.

I already decided to go to Australia since I have been there and had a host family in Melbourne when I visited there in high school field trip.


In the first week of my freshman year, I visited a professor in charge of students’ career.

And my first question was;

“I want to live in Australia, so what should I do first?”

As I wrote in yesterday’s post, my goal was not “to study in a foreign country”, but “to live in a foreign country.”

Therefore I didn’t have any interests in neither short term study abroad or exchange study abroad.

I wanted to enter a university and receive a degree  which could help me to find a job in the country.

Or if I could get a job there without going to any schools, that would be great that I didn’t need to spend money for education. 


The professor looked so surprised at what I said.

I think she was interested in me at many points.

At first, my college is a really small in Kagoshima city, and my English major had only 40-ish students.

38 students were from Kagoshima and 1 student was from Miyazaki.

Miyazaki prefecture is right next to Kagoshima prefecture, so it was not a surprising thing.

However, only I was from Kyoto where is far from Kagoshima and is a famous prefecture which many Japanese & world travellers wanna visit.

(Usually many students wanna go to college in Kyoto from countryside, but I moved to countryside from Kyoto. It’s just because I love Kagoshima!)  

Also, I was the first wheelchair student who entered the college.

That was a big thing in the college.

And I said “I wanna live in Australia.” in the first week of college.

So the professor must have thought “wow, what kind of student is she!?”.  


Too bad that the college only had a study abroad program in UWRF in US.

Therefore the professor searched information of Australia for me.

I also started collecting information on internet or from books.

Also I had a Japanese friend who graduated from my high school and was studying in a university in Mel then.

I met her when I visited Mel in the high school field trip.

I contacted her again and got the latest study abroad information. 


After collecting all information, I started comparing Australia and US (UWRF) with my 3 priority points.  


1. The country/city should be a wheelchair-friendly environment

–  Aus: It was better environment than Japanese one.

However, I stayed there only for 1 week, so I might have seen only good sides.  


– U.S.: I haven’t been to U.S., so I don’t know the environment.

However, according to the information by Japanese student who graduated from my junior college and is studying at UWRF now,  the environment seems good for wheelchair users. 


2. The time period of study abroad (my purpose is not to study, so I want a degree ASAP.)

–  Aus: It’s difficult to enter a university directly after graduating from Japanese junior college.

And I would need to take a foundation course to improve my English level.

Even if I finished the foundation course in 1 year, it would take at least 4 years more to graduate.

So the total should be 5 years at least to receive a degree. 


– U.S.: UWRF is an affiliated school of my junior college.

Therefore I could transfer the credits I got here to UWRF.

I could start from junior year and finish school only for 2 years. 


3. Cost (The money I could earn/collect is very limited.)

–  Aus: Things are cheaper (at that time) than U.S., but I would need more money if I go to school for 5 years.

And it depends on which city I live in.


– U.S.: Things are more expensive (at that time) than Aus, but I would have enough money if I could finish school for 2 years.

UWRF is a public university in WI.

It is located in a small town, so the tuition and living cost are not expensive. 


Due to above results, I gave up going to Australia and definitely decided to go to U.S.

I have made this decision in the end of my freshman year.

After that, I finally started studying English for TOEFL test seriously and working as a part-time job to earn money for study abroad.


I’m gonna post about “3. to earn/collect money for study abroad” tomorrow!:)  


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