
Moon Riderが長期海外に行くとき必ずしないといけないこと…










こういう時、”Ability Service”というオフィスに行っていました。



アメリカは大学でもEqual Opportunity(平等な機会)を大切にしていて、法律でもきちんと守られています。










Only 1 month left to go to the U.S.!


The thing Moon Rider MUST DO before a long trip to foreign county is…

Wheelchair maintenance!!ヾ(*`ェ´*)ノ

When I went to University of Wisconsin in 2007, I brought 1 manual wheelchair and 1 electric wheelchair.

I brought my electric one was because I couldn’t imagine how much snow Wisconsin gets in winter.

I was afraid if I can’t move in the snow. 

Eventually, I used my electric wheelchair in the 1st winter. But you know, it is very slow, and I thought,

“I don’t need auto-operation, but need to make each trip outside as short as possible. It’s TOO COLD!”


Then, I didn’t use my electric wheelchair  anymore from the 2nd year.

Snow in Wisconsin. The lowest temperature can be -20 celsius.

In my previous study abroad for 2 years in Wisconsin, my manual wheelchair was broken many times. 

Flat tires, broken frame (skirt guard), and missing screws of the front wheel etc.

Every time my wheelchair was broken, I visited “Ability Service” on campus.

It is a place to support students with disabilities for equal access and opportunity

For example, student in wheelchair could ask for a dorm with elevator, deaf student could ask for a sigh-language translator in class etc.

You can ask for anything as long as it is necessary for your study and life on campus. 

In the U.S., equal opportunity is considered very important and each person’s equality is protected by law.

Schools have to develop an equal studying environment both for non-disabled and disabled students. 

I always went to “Ability Service” due to my broken wheelchair, but they couldn’t order new parts because my wheelchair was made in Japan.

In the end, I asked my mother to send new tires to mail from Japan, and asked a student to fix frame and screw at cheap price. 

In this study abroad, I will bring 2 wheelchairs in the pictures.

I was gonna ask for maintenance earlier…but I haven’t. (;一_一)

According to the wheelchair company, they will send my wheelchair to the factory to check everything.

It will take 2 weeks at shortest if everything is fine.


I am planning to send my wheelchairs one by one.

But, wait! In this schedule, I cannot have 2 wheelchairs on departure if they need to be repaired…awww.

Anyways I sent one to the factory today. Farewell!

I hope you comes back here soon and send another one asap!

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