You may see disability, I see many possibilities.
Latest Research Posts
Here, you can find Mizuki's research articles of quality and equality of human rights for persons with disabilities.
Mizuki’s BBC Interview Article and Podcast Are live!

I had an interview with BBC. BBC features a lot of news around Tokyo 2020, but they also want to focus beyond sports and hear especially the living environment of people with disabilities in Japan. I had shared my experiences and knowledge of education, employment, physical accessibility (building, restroom etc.) as well as the social benefit.
Moon Rider 7 Project Is Introduced in China Times in Taiwan!

Moon Rider 7 Project has been interviewed and introduced in China Times, a newspaper in Taiwan.
Latest Advocates Posts
Mizuki’s BBC Interview Article and Podcast Are live!

I had an interview with BBC. BBC features a lot of news around Tokyo 2020, but they also want to focus beyond sports and hear especially the living environment of people with disabilities in Japan. I had shared my experiences and knowledge of education, employment, physical accessibility (building, restroom etc.) as well as the social benefit.
Moon Rider 7 Project Is Introduced in China Times in Taiwan!

Moon Rider 7 Project has been interviewed and introduced in China Times, a newspaper in Taiwan.
私たちは国際恋愛や障害者との恋愛について、より多くの人に理解を深めてもらいたいと考えています。Mizukiは日本出身のMoon Rider(車イスユーザー)。Jeffは台湾出身です。2人はアメリカ留学中に出会い、すぐに恋に落ちました。Jeffの家族はMizukiの障害を簡単に受け入れることはできませんでした。またMizukiの家族はJeffの文化の違いに戸惑うこともありました。2人が乗り越えてきた困難や、現在の課題などを紹介していきます。
Worry Of “What If My Child Has A Disability” ~Mizuki’s Maternity Life 2~

I believe that many pregnant women could never worry enough about everything and might think things in a negative way during their pregnancy. I was one of them. I wasn’t old enough to be considered as “an elder pregnant woman” which is over 35 years old in Japan and to have a higher possibility of some risks in giving birth. Also I was told by a doctor that my disability would not be inherited to my child. However I had been worried from the beginning of my pregnancy that what if my child has some kind of disabilities.
Precious 100 Days with Emma

It has been 100 days since Emma, my daughter, was born. I feel the days went by so fast. I was very surprised when I noticed the drastic change in her face and chubby body, compared with newborn her in the pictures.
Ability For Success – Online Discussion
How To Evaluate Ability and Performance Effectively and Properly?

We had held our 4th Ability For Success Online Discussion event on 12th of June, 2016. It is our privilege to have 1 guest from Washington state and 2 guests from Japan. The topic is How to evaluate ability and performance effectively and properly?
How to Create Inclusive and Diverse Workplace Effectively?

The Ability For Success topic in April was “how to create an inclusive and diverse workplace effectively?” We have two guests from US this time. They share a similar goal which is to make the society a better place. Their motivations are different but equally inspiring. We discussed and exchanged ideas about the what the key elements are to create an inclusive and diverse working environment.