I had an interview with BBC. BBC features a lot of news around Tokyo 2020, but they also want to focus beyond sports and hear especially the living environment of people with disabilities in Japan. I had shared my experiences and knowledge of education, employment, physical accessibility (building, restroom etc.) as well as the social benefit.
Worry Of “What If My Child Has A Disability” ~Mizuki’s Maternity Life 2~

I believe that many pregnant women could never worry enough about everything and might think things in a negative way during their pregnancy. I was one of them. I wasn’t old enough to be considered as “an elder pregnant woman” which is over 35 years old in Japan and to have a higher possibility of some risks in giving birth. Also I was told by a doctor that my disability would not be inherited to my child. However I had been worried from the beginning of my pregnancy that what if my child has some kind of disabilities.
Precious 100 Days with Emma
Moving From A Manual Wheelchair to A Power Wheelchair ~Mizuki’s Maternity Life 1~

Every pregnant woman’s body would change and would find new inconveniences in in daily life as their baby grows. In my case, as a manual wheelchair user, I started worrying about using the wheelchair when going up-hills. I wondered if my body position, bending my upper body forward and pushing the wheelchair by arm’s strength and tightening stomach muscles, would affect my baby. So, I decided to use a power wheelchair instead of a manual wheelchair.
Our Baby Girl Has Arrived!
Moon Rider 7 Project Is Introduced in China Times in Taiwan!
Give A Talk at A Seminar for Employment of People with Disabilities X Work-Style Reforms
Part II – Is It Right to Require Wheelchair User Customers to Pay More for Wheelchair Accessible Seats?

After talking with the customer service of the musical play service provider yesterday, I spoke with a friend who is familiar with law and found the service provider is not compliant with the Act on the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities. After I messaged to the theater about this, I got a reply from them.