It has been 100 days since Emma, my daughter, was born. I feel the days went by so fast. I was very surprised when I noticed the drastic change in her face and chubby body, compared with newborn her in the pictures.
Precious 100 Days with Emma

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Every pregnant woman’s body would change and would find new inconveniences in in daily life as their baby grows. In my case, as a manual wheelchair user, I started worrying about using the wheelchair when going up-hills. I wondered if my body position, bending my upper body forward and pushing the wheelchair by arm’s strength and tightening stomach muscles, would affect my baby. So, I decided to use a power wheelchair instead of a manual wheelchair.
This is the last episode of “What My Mom Said About Me Dating With A Wheelchair User.”There are several reasons for me to start writing this story – “What My Mom Said About Me Dating With A Wheelchair User.” The first thought actually came up to my mind during this Chines New Year when I went home in Taiwan.
This year, unlike any other Chinese New Year, is the first time I went home as a married man. (Mizuki was in the U.S. doing her research or otherwise she would have been with me in Taiwan.) My mom said to me that she wants to buy Mizuki a gold necklace or a gold ring. I said “thank you but we do not need any gold necklaces nor rings.” I did not understand why my mom likes gold and wants to give Mizuki gold until I later learned the reason.
People tend to worry about the things they cannot see. A lot of people worry about the future that has not come and may never will. Those people includes me and, of course, my mom.
My mom has been very worried about my life with Mizuki, a moon rider (wheelchair user) in a foreign country, which is Japan. I understand that no matter how hard I try to convince her that I am doing just fine she will not listen. Since a picture wins a thousand words, I decided to show her more than just a picture. I brought her to Japan for a short tour.
It was in February 2014, the last 4 days of Chinese New Year vacation, I show her and my brother around Tokyo.
In this blog, we have shared some episodes about our relationship. We also received messages and questions from readers who are in the same situations, for example people who are dating with people with disabilities, who are in a long distance relationship or in an international relationship. This time, we would like to write our stories from the beginning.