
Every time I introduce Jeff to people for the first time, they often ask me

“where did you guys meet?”

It seems that they are curious how we met and why we decided to be together since Jeff is from Taiwan.


Jeff and I met in the US where we studied as international students 7 years ago.

We were in a long distance relationship for 4 years and Jeff moved to Japan from Taiwan in 2011 when the Great East Japan Earthquake.

We have lived together about 3 years.


Ever since I graduated from high school, I had been living by myself.

So it took time to get used to out new life.

Jeff and I often had fights after we started living together.

But recently he goes on a trip with his friend on weekend, like once a month.

I really enjoyed my single life at first, but nowadays I don’t know what to do when he is not home.

Actually I don’t like cooking, so I don’t feel to cook when I am alone.

I am being lazy and just waiting for him to coma back, even now!


Living with someone is not that easy, but I think it is very good because we can talk and laugh together, and have a healthy life.

I really should thank him for being with me everyday:)

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