I was invited to a lunch in Ginza by my coworker. Although I have been living in Tokyo for 2 years, I don’t really come to this neighborood.The train stations in Ginza are confusing. I am always struggling at finding an elavator in those train stations. (Also things are so expensive here.)
But I took Toei-Asakusa line (Tokyo Metropolitan Subway), and got off at Shin-Bashi station. And luckily, there is an elevator available at Shin-Bashi station. But it is not very easy to find. So we asked the station staff. Even though we asked the staff, we still passed the elavator…! The elavator is behind an advertisement pole, when you come from Shin-Bashi station to Shiodomei Station. So it is barely noticeable. (You might want to double check “around” the advertisement pole if you are looking for the elevator.)
The lunch was at an Indian restaurant, called “Rajmahal”. It is about 5 minutes walk away from Shin-Bashi station. And the elevator is available at that building, accessibility OK! The space arrangement inside the restaurant is wide enough for wheelchair riders. Restaurant toliet is western style (sitting style). But there is a 20 CM high step in front of the toilet entrance. The toilet door is too narrow for wheelchair to enter, so I have to leave my wheelchair by the door and try to reach the toilet seat by myself by 3 meters. For some wheelchair riders who are able to move or walk by themselves, it should be ok for them to use the toilet; but for those who aren’t, it is very hard.
After the lunch, we bid a farewell to my coworker and started our date in Ginza. Hahaha♪

First we visited ZARA which is right by the restaurant. We were very happy to find they have an elevator there. Personally, I think ZARA Japan clothing is too expensive, ZARA USA are a lot pricing friendly!
And we found out that the Chuou Dori(Central Street) in Ginza will be closed and no cars are allowed to enter. It is called Pedestrian’s Heaven. (Jeff thinks that term is cute.) Um, that is true. Why it is called Pedestrian’s “Heaven”?

ウロウロしていると文具の伊東屋を発見。前から行ってみたかった所だったので、早速中へ。しかし入ってすぐ階段が…(涙) まぁ、いいかと諦めて出ようとしたところ、ある店員さんが私たちのところ来て、店の後ろにスロープがありますと教えてくれました!なんて良い人だ!後ろに回ってみると同じ店員さんが既に後ろでスタンバイしてました。すごいーー!スロープは結構急なので手伝ってくれました。めっちゃ良い人です。
After ZARA, we walked around. And we found Itoya, a stationary shop. I had always wanted to go there. As we entered Itoya, we found stairs…..(tears) I were going to give up, one staff came to us and explained to us that Itoya has a entrance for wheelchair riders on the back side of it. (What a good staff.) When we entered the back door, we found the kind staff was standing by the back door waiting for us! (What a fantastic Japanese service!) He came to help us to go down the steep ramp at the back door. (Again, what a nice staff!!)

I was so impressed. Thank you so much! (I got a schedule book for next year at the shop♪)
At the end of the date, we went home by Toei Asakusa line at Higashi Ginza Station. Elevator is avalible here, too. Thanks to technology nowadays, with GPS and Internet on smartphones, it is easier to find exit/entranc with elevator. We shall come to Ginza more!