After couple days for hard work, I finally finished my Hitotsubashi and Tsukuba university applications. I got the chance to review my life/career plan though those questions in the application packages. My life vision will be on developing the handicapped’s working skill and improving the handicapped’s working experience. We had talked to many people in each industries about what we want to do. But we usually got negative answers since the handicapped markets, either the job market or any other market,  are too small for any current business activities.
Currently, i’m hoping to get into consulting firms after graduating from MBA. While examining different corporates in consulting firms, i’m hoping to get an insight of how corporates reacts to specific issues, especially handicapped talent management. And i’m also aiming to levitate this issue to the next level, which is finding/developing the handicapped’s working competitive edge on an international business basis. Moon Rider 7 and I have been finding ways to improve handicapped’s working experiences. 
But since I was talking about something potential and long term, it was really hard to make my answers concrete.
However it’s a topic worthy of all of us to think about it……. Imagine when the company/society can optimize the handicapped talents, how productive the company/society can improve?? The answer to this phenomenon will be a all-win solution to all parties involved here!!


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