BestMorning TV program, KOKO InvestigatePlan to test how tough touch panel is...Scratched it with a harm! OK!
Hammered harm! OK!!SHOT IT ??!??!
Put it at 5 meters away, and shoot!One shot on the edge...Turn it on, the startup screen showed!
Touch panel function still works!!!One shot in the heart. Dead. Not OK. ;(
This is my favorite morning Japanese TV Program, called Mezamashi Terebi, in which there is a side program called KOKO Shira. KOKO is short for kokomate in Japanese, meaning “to the extreme.” Shira is short for Shirabe, meaning Investigation. It is part of the morning news program, . They would do all kinds of interesting investigation on the latest products, or on the hottest trends at current time.
This time, they test the toughness of a tablet, ASUS Transformer. (This is Taiwanese brand, which caught my high attention. Why didn’t they do the test on the latest SONY tablet, but ASUS?? Is this one of the ASUS PR programs?) I do respect and admire how Japanese pursue the truth. They, this time, even go to South Korea, where gun-shooting practice is permitted in specific location, such practice field. (Gun-shooting or practicing is totally forbidden in Japan, except for self-defense team or polices, according to Mizuki.)
每天早上都會有一個很有趣的節目,叫做”目覚ましテレビ”,裡面有一個小單元叫做 『ココ調』,ココ=ここまで的縮寫,意指『追求極致(個人自己翻的,若有錯誤,跪請指教)』,調=調查。『ココ調』也就是調查到不能再調查為止的調查……(有點繞舌)……。這個小單元呢,就是專門調查現在市場上最新的產品或是最熱門的事物。
今天早上的調查主題是,超強壯的面板,當主持人拿出那一台平板電腦時,我突然有一種看到故鄉的感覺,是的,沒錯,今天早上拿來被測試的就是ASUS的變型金剛(Transformer),不過令我不解的是為什麼是要用台灣品牌的ASUS Transformer而不是SONY最近剛出的平板電腦?難不成ASUS的面板是採用比較特別的材料嗎?知道的人趕快報一下,看看是不是可以進場了。還是說這是ASUS的公關廣告之一?)
此外,我真的是十分敬佩日本人追求極致的態度與精神,此次該節目居然還到南韓借了打擊練習場,測試用槍射擊ASUS Transformer(好可憐的變型金剛啊),第一發擊中面板邊邊,面版中央被強力子彈震出好幾道裂痕,但是當測試人員開機,居然還是可以看到ASUS EEPC的字樣,面板的觸控功能也沒有受到影響,心生佩服!!但是當測試人員補第二槍時,擊中面板中央區域,ASUS變型金剛有如Megatron在變形金剛三最後被Optimus Prime瘋狂暴頭一般……再也開不了機了…..


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