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Things your should know if you are dating or going to date a moon rider
- Always wear boots and don’t get too close to your moon rider if you are wearing flip flop. The chances that your feet get run over by the wheelchair is way higher than you can even imagine. To protect your toes, wear boots!
- You can walk hand in hand only if you know the tips!
In fact, it is pretty fun to walk hand in hand with moon rider. It is not very easy at first. But we got better with practices. For me, I can now sometimes control the direction while walking hand in hand with moon rider 7 by pulling her arm. (It is so hard to put the tips down in words. Maybe we will do a clip on this…..Believed it is going to be a very fun clip.)
- How other people looks at you is a issue you should deal with.
It would be a lie to say that we don’t care how people look at us while we are walking on the street. At first, I always told Moon Rider 7 that people look at you because you are too beautiful. (Hahaha.)
- Good communication to find a best way to share lives
Moon Rider 7 and I are really stubborn and determining people. We are from different cultures and grow up in different backgrounds. We had come to moments when we disagree with each other completely. We face many many conflicts in daily life.
Every couples have different ways of communication. You really have to try hard to find your own ways.
- Exercise more (To pickup flat-tired wheelchair or carry the wheelchair around sometimes.)
I think it is very important to exercise for moon riders and their partners. For me, I jog 4 times at week to keep myself in shaped, and I do some muscle trainings so I can carry the wheelchair around when I needed.
And it might be harder for moon riders to exercise since every moon rider’s situations are different. It is highly suggested for all moon riders to consult with doctors about exercises. It is always killing me to see my moon rider’s leg getting weaker time after time. We are trying hard to improve the muscle issue.
- Support and ask for support
Moon Rider 7 doesn’t really like me to help her doing things. She likes to do things on her own. Usually, people assume she cannot cook, wash dishes or do laundry because she sits on wheelchair. As a matter of fact, she can do all that. And she is pretty good at them. Also, she likes to climb up and down stairs by herself unless she is in an expensive dress. In fact, it is safer to climb the stairs by herself instead of me carrying her up and down. There are many incorrect assumptions of non-handicapped. Moon Rider 7 will ask me for support if she needs them. She will refuse my support if she doesn’t need any. Be frank about it. To ask for support and support! 🙂