
















男性Moon Riderもきっと女性側トイレに入るのは抵抗があると思います。



スペースの問題もあると思いますが、Moon Riderにも性別はあるんですよ。

今は健常者に比べてMoon Riderがマイノリティだからこうなっているかも知れませんが、

もし未来に健常者がマイノリティになり、Moon Riderがマジョリティになったら健常者トイレは男女兼用にしてもいいですか?嫌ですよね?


The thing I felt uncomfortable the most after I came back from US is bathroom.


In Japan, we have regular male/female bathroom and wheelchair user’s bathroom (1 individual big room).

The wheelchair user’s bathroom is usually used by both male and female Moon Riders.  

In US, the wheelchair mark is put on the regular male/female bathroom entrance.

And almost all the bathrooms have 1 or 2 big rooms in it and Moon Riders can go in with their wheelchair.

They don’t separate the regular bathroom and wheelchair user’s bathroom (for both male & female) like Japan. 


After I moved to Tokyo, I found some stations have wheelchair user’s bathroom only in the entrance area of either male or female bathroom.

(Most of places have wheelchair user’s bathroom in the middle of male and female bathrooms.)

I can remember Otemachi station and Takaracho station have wheelchair user’s bathroom located in the entrance of male bathroom only.

I feel really uncomfortable to use those, but I just go in if I really cannot hold it.

One day, when I try to go into male’s bathroom entrance to use wheelchair’s one, one guy just came out.

He looked so surprised and said “Female bathroom is the other side!”

I wasn’t surprised because I could expect his reaction.

So I just replied “Well, the wheelchair user’s bathroom is only male bathroom side.” with smile.

He understood the situation, but I really don’t like to use it anyway. 


I wonder why the wheelchair user’s bathroom is made for both sexes in Japan…?

There should be space matters, but Moon Riders have genders.

Now non-Moon Rider is majority and Moon Rider is minority, so people make the wheelchair user’s bathroom for both sexes.

Okay, but in the future, if Moon Rider become majority and non-Moon Rider become minority, can we make the regular bathroom for both sexes?

You don’t wanna use it, right?

Please think things from user’s point of view, then you will find the problem easily, I think.  



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